Fallout Fanon Wiki
Les Imperiaux
Les Imperiaux
Political Information
Government: Monarchy, Oligarchy, and Dictatorship
Class: Oppressive, Authoritarian Government
Leader: Napoleon Bonaparte V
Motto: "Peace, prosperity, Empire!"
Societal Information
Location: Distrito Capital
Headquarters: Ville Imperiale
Population: approx. 1200 200 combatants, 1000 civilians
Notable Members: David Xavier, General Gilbert-Alain Xavier, Alexandre-Cesaire Bonaparte, Charles-Marquis Xavier, Prince Jacques-Baptiste Xavier, General Christiane-Damien Davout, Napoleon Bonaparte IV, Napoleon Bonaparte V General Jules Bonaparte
Historical Information
Founded: 2079
Founded by: David Xavier
Policy Information
Goals: To take control of all of Tamaulipas.
Allies: N/A
Enemies: various other factions, gangs, and raiders.
Status: active and thriving.

A powerful, radical and yet unstable kingdom centered in the Distrito Capital. Founded by a group of French and Cajun businessmen, refugees, and servicemen that fled into Mexico on the onset of the Great War. The Imperials ruled by a series of ever-changing groups of dictators, Kings, Consuls, Emperors, and Generals all seem to share one common belief, they all have a claim to the old Imperial throne of Mexico.


Early History[]

The earliest known history that can be attributed to the Les Imperiaux dates back to the late 1700s, early 1800s when Napoleon Bonaparte was sailing with his army of the Orient to invade Egypt. During the voyage the flotilla laid siege to and captured the Island of Malta, deposing the Knights of St.John that had held power on the island since the Crusades. Napoleon declared the island to be a French colony and promptly left a garrison there. Within this garrison was a young Colonel by the name of Xavier he had brought his family with him on the Oriental expedition to see the wonders of the Levant. However, his posting to the island tossed a monkey wrench into this trip and he and his family were stuck on the small fortress island. Unbeknownst to Colonel Xavier while he had been away his wife, Marie had been seduced by a short, charming and bright General that was aboard and looking to forge his own Oriental Empire, this young General was none other than Napoleon Bonaparte himself.

Posted on the island Marie never let on of the brief affair Napoleon had with her but Colonel Xavier seemingly bored with his current posting made sure to have plenty of time for pleasure as he soon had six kids, one of which looked a tad different from the rest. However the British despite the best efforts of Napoleon and the French Navy defeated Napoleon's Oriental empire and retook Malta, placing the Xavier family under arrest, and imprisoning them at a large estate in the city of Naples. However with Napoleon's dethroning the Xaviers were allowed to return to France and their downtrodden, looted and unkept estate. There they weathered Napoleon's return, the fallout, and the re-rise of the Bourbon Families whom took their estate away from them due to Colonel Xavier's service in the Grand Armee. However by this time the Xavier clan had grown rather powerful, and large in size and all the way up to 1940 the Xaviers would remain a powerful force in French politics, always cherishing their relationship with France's most famous family.

However in 1940 another war was again to effect the massive Xavier family, World War Two had begun, and Hitler's massive offensive through the Ardennes forest overwhelmed the French, British, Dutch and Belgian defenders. As German tank's were rolling into Paris, the massive Xavier family was taking a Spanish cruise liner across the ocean to America. In America, they settled in the region of Louisiana and quickly asserted themselves in both state and local politics. With the family controlling a large furniture company, almost half the state Senate and even having a son running for the House of Representatives (Which he won by a landslide margin). While in Louisiana, they became friendly with a family that declared themselves to be related to the Bonapartes being made up of distant cousins, great aunts and uncles all with loose connections to the Bonapartes. These Bonapartes had contributed less to the nation yet soon became married into the Xavier family as their oldest son married the Jane Xavier.

The Xaviers and Bonapartes would remain in a seat of power within Louisiana up until the fateful year of 2077. However as the fighting in Alaska had heated up the Bonaparte-Xavier Family had made provisions, using their connections in the government and extensive wealth they had built an office complex within the city of Ciudad Victoria in Tamaulipas. The office complex was stocked with computers, storage facilities and yet not a single within it, beneath the complex was a massive fallout shelter with enough room for their entire clan and then some (the Xaviers fully intended to have and armed guard to watch over them as they waited out the nukes and the war), it contained hydroponics for growing crops, workout and recreation areas, a crematorium, armory, chapel, anything a person could need into the apocalypse. And when that day came they were prepared.


On October 23, 2077, the Xavier-Bonaparte clan was already boarding three massive helicopters that served as the family's personal transportation. They arrived in Ciudad Victoria only an hour and a half later, after some very fast and dodgy flying. They landed and were quickly ushered into the bunker by the security personnel, as the last person entered the guards shut the door and the nuclear firestorm of the outside, closing it all out. The Xaviers and Bonapartes remained in the bunker for almost two years before the Security was clear to leave the bunker and check air quality. They found that the air was still loaded with high levels of radiation, but the Xaviers and Bonapartes couldn't bear to live underground anymore and thus donned hazmat suits and left the bunker for the irradiated world outside. They traveled the wasteland, fighting the mutated monsters that roamed it and the violent raiders in between however they soon had put enough distance between themselves and the irradiated ruins of Ciudad Victoria that they were able to remove their hazmat suits with only a minimal risk of having to suffer adverse effects.

Moving about for some time they soon found the small town of Escalera, a small hamlet, built on the slope of a hill, the town, for the most part, was downtrodden, and rather dumpy with most of the pre-war populace still living in the relatively untouched town, ruled over by the remnants of the local Police and an old Military unit. The Mexican 722nd Infantry regiment had been posted to the region to help combat local cartels and support US troops in keeping the oil fields secure near Tampico. However upon the outbreak of the Great War, most of the regiment had deserted back to their families leaving a skeleton crew of 125 men with their commander Miguel Sancho at their head. Most of the soldiers lived at the town and thus simply viewed their duty as defending their homes rather than serving some national flag. However when the heavily armed Frenchmen arrived in the town, they were taken aback by the size, strength and superiority of their equipment. However, David Xavier, the current family Patriarch made it clear that they meant no harm and that they simply were looking for a place to settle down. Miguel welcomed them into the small town, allowing them to occupy some abandoned homes near the base of the hill.

It wasn't long before the Xaviers and Bonapartes were all intertwined in the local politics, one son was the town Commissioner keeping a watchful eye over the Brahmin herds (Longhorns hadn't been introduced yet) four more served in the militia, and David well he was the advisor to Miguel himself. Using his business expertise, he was able to manipulate his way to greater power and after talking it over with the Bonaparte half of the family, he decided that both their clans had a rightful claim to the Mexican throne, due to their relationship with the Bonaparte blood line. You see back when the United States was fighting its brutal Civil War, the French, along with the British and several other European nations, invaded Mexico to collect debts that the Mexican government owed to their respective nations. However, France being led by the expansionist Napoleon III claimed that all of Mexico was now a French protectorate and installed Maximillian I of the House of Hapsburg into the throne. Well, a prompt revolution and bloody civil war quickly put an end to the French support for the new regime and with the reunited USA putting very serious pressure on the French to get the hell outta Mexico the French withdrew their support for the Emperor of Mexico. Well, his regime didn't last much longer after that, and soon Maximillian and his wife were killed by the rebels.

With this historical note in mind, David began to convince Miguel to allow him greater power and soon he and Miguel were the Dukes of Ville Imperiale (as Escalera was renamed) but soon it was David who had the real


King David Xavier, keeping the American spirit alive.

power and Miguel was his faithful puppet to be manipulated as he saw fit. David's final move towards power was declaring himself King over the Third Mexican Empire, or as they're more commonly known as Les Imperiaux - The Imperials.

lifeline The people began to pay taxes and envoys were sent to local towns and villages with invitations to join the forming Empire under the just and peacekeeping rule of King Xavier, an offer only a few struggling settlements accepted. With a trained military force at his command he ordered Miguel to take control of the local towns and in a campaign known as the "Destiny March" Miguel with his troops supported by the security forces of the Imperiaux quickly took control of the surrounding towns in the area and as a cartographer drew up a map of the Imperiaux holdings in the region Miguel finished his campaign, looking forward to returning home a hero he died of a heart attack on the return trip. He was replaced by Jules Bonaparte.


With his rule fully solidified and his family completely in control of the government and military it became a duty to begin and change the interior workings of his new empire. For starters Catholicism, the major sect of Christianity in Mexico was made the official religion and thus became state-sponsored. Taxes were levied for all the various towns under the Empire's control, and soon Magistrates, Commissioners, and Foremen were established in the towns to help collect taxes and to regulate trade and other interior workings. One thing that David was especially concerned over was the growing worth of cattle in the capital, and thus the herds of Longhorns the Empire had under its watchful eye soon became top priority as David created an entire Directorate with the job of preventing rustling, thievery and other crimes on the range and ranches lying on the borders of the Empire's turf.

Outside of interior development, David made a declaration that for one week a draft would going on to increase the amount of soldiers within the Grand Armee. This went relatively smoothly with a few people choosing that making a run for it was wiser than serving their King and Empire, but soon the Armee's strength grew from 100 men to about 150 as men and women from the conquered villages and towns joined up with the army. They were soon to be trained into a tough and elite fighting force and the best would be selected to serve with the Grand Armee's special forces, the Imperial Guard. Within the Distrito Capital the Imperiaux became quite a force of power, conquering several smaller survivor villages and founding the now thriving cattle trading industry in la Ciudad Victoria itself.


As the Empire's power grew across the Distrito Capital, it became clear to the David that the Imperiaux wasn't the only group selling cattle to the starving people of Ciudad Victoria. A Law enforcement organization from the Cattle Country, known as the Bureau of Range Regulation and Security was fostering a growing cattle trade in the crowded and war-torn area known as Las Pistas. The area controlled and fought over by various gangs and factions was prime real estate for anyone wanting to secure some valuable turf but also to have a steady supply of food coming to them. Thus David unable to accept a competitor to his kingdom's economy he ordered the Jules Bonaparte sieze Las Pistas and stop the flow of cattle from coming into the city from the outside. This order seemed simple enough at first but as the soldiers fought their way through the ruins of Ciudad Victoria they soon realized that such an order was going to cost them an arm and a leg (quite literally) to obey. However, they fought on despite the adversities.

The fighting itself was confused, uncoordinated and extremely violent with most of the companies and platoons under General Bonaparte's command suffering upwards of 40% casualties, a number that couldn't be sustained for long without the force having to face the threat of being completely destroyed. To add there was never one clear enemy, one day it was the Policia Permanente, the next it was the Filibusteros, then Los Federales and dozens of other groups all fighting for control of the key railroad junction. This confused combat along with the usual tactics of the other factions resulted in some violent encounters with the wrong people. At one point a caravan of refugees were working their way through the However, and were stopped by a group of Chasseurs at an outpost located in a side street. The Chasseurs thinking them to be moving guns for Los Filibusteros, angered and agitated they opened fire on the caravan realize the unarmed civilians with automatic weapons fire, killing most of the caravan in the frenzy. Those who survived ran off to spread the story of the Grand Armee's brutality.

Back in the Imperiaux David having seen the loses being sustained from the fighting in Las Pistas he ordered yet another draft except this time it would be a semi-permanent one, starting up and ending as the King saw fit. Soon the Army's numbers had grown to well over 175 troops as more towns were added into the Empire. These new troops were spread about the territory, from protecting the borders to fighting in the hell hole of Las Pistas. It was during this time that the Chasseurs posted in Las Pistas finally got a break, from the day they had entered the area they had been pushing the forces of the other gangs in the area out of the railyard. When after a week of hard fighting the Chassuers managed to seize the whole area and hold it, they turned back several cattle trains and were fortifying their positions when the Policia Remanente made a determined counter-attack at the same time FAED and Filibusteros made similar attacks into the railyard in an effort to drive the Chasseurs back. The Chasseurs too few in number to hold the line under such determined attack crumpled and fell back losing most of what they had gained. After two years of constant combat with little success King David paid a visit to the front to inspire the troops. As he toured the line, a sniper hiding in the buildings killed David. He was replaced by his nephew, Alexandre-Cesaire Bonaparte.


King Alexandre's first move on the throne was to recall all remaining Imperial troops currently fighting within the Capital and to end all combat operations aimed at making inroads into the Capital. The immediate effects of this move was an uproar of protest from his own side of the family and from the more militaristic officers and members of the government. However, Alexandre's methods were sound, the one thing that King David's war in the capital had put a tremendous strain upon the Empire's economy and was quickly going to drive the Empire into the ground if it continued. Instead of sinking more money into funding the war effort, King Alexandre instead began to use the money to foster the Empire's ever important ranching industry, improve roads and to secure the position of the Imperials and his family in the region. His rein was one of internal improvement and things quickly began to look up for the Empire. With the rush of returning Chasseurs back to their homeland, they were now able to help support Cattle Foremen and town Commissioners in combating the power of raider gangs and cattle rustlers within and without their territory. Within three weeks of the surge in troops back to the Empire the frequency of raider and gang activity within the region decreased by at least 56%. In other theaters, in order to placate his more expansionist colleagues he initiated a new colonial program, to setup colonies of farmers and ranchers outside their territory in order to provide more food for their growing population and to add more locations for the growing of cash crops such as Tobacco and Corn. This program was about to be implemented when the 2118 Coup occurred.

The Coup started as a brief meeting between the King and some of his commanding military officers, the officers brought up a series of complaints they had about the King's current policies and ordered that he resign his position to them. The conversation quickly spun wildly out of control, ending with a squad of twelve Imperial Guardsmen who had sided with the officers storming the building. After three hours of fighting between the Guardsmen, and the remainder of the army the coup ended with all but one of the conspirators being captured. The Coup had jaded Alexandre who quickly threw out the idea for colonization and promptly began to turn it towards programs and government organizations that would suit his now paranoid needs. King Alexandre, using his executive power created the Ministry of Law and Order. This Ministry essentially acted as a personal security force for the King, and he soon had the men and women within the Ministry rooting through the army looking for any sign of traitorous sentiment. When he was satisfied that he had rooted out the last of the conspirators and their supporters he began to sink more money into developing the army itself. This sudden change of heart seems to have come from a sense that the King developed that there was a conspiracy against him and thus needed a strong ring of defenders around himself. The Grand Armee up to this point had been a rather rag tag force with the Imperial Guard being the only force getting any sort of decent equipment, now with the extra money being sunk into defense the Armee quickly contacted a powerful caravan company located in the far northern region of New Mexico. The Los Alamos Military Supply Company had made a killing selling the high-end pre-war military weaponry stored at the former Los Alamos Military Laboratory and Depot. A deal was quickly struck up between the Empire and the merchants for the sale of 100 assault rifles and several hundred rounds of ammunition to the Empire along with a single 155mm artillery piece with twenty rounds of ammo for it. These new weapons, being delivered in the early days of 2120 (almost a year after the deal was made) were distributed to the Chasseurs of the Grand Armee and a special team of specialists were selected to operate the 155mm. A new policy also implemented by King Alexandre was to have field officers of the Ministry of Law and Order be placed throughout the Grand Armee, for "political reasons". Despite not being happy about these developments the Army was glad to have all the new equipment and reluctantly kept their mouths shut, knowing that the King now was likely listening in on them.

The first military operation to be perpetrated by the Empire since the withdrawal from El Distrito Capital was the seizing of The Ridge. The Ridge was a tactically important hill that overlooked the city itself, giving whoever stood atop of it a nearly unimpaired view of the combat that was going on below. That was just the thought process when General Jules Bonaparte led his force of 120 Chasseurs to the top of the hill and


The 155mm on The Ridge.

began to dig in, to add the government had approved the bringing of the Empire's new howitzer to the top of the hill. With his men in place General Bonaparte began to once again make the Empire's presence known in the Capital as the massive 155mm began to lob its shells into the city, more specifically back into Las Pistas.

Meanwhile back home in the Empire, new developments again came along for the Empire as a representative of the Los Alamos Military Supply Company again approached the King. This time with an offer to sell the King a great number of uniforms that the company had found stowed away in the various warehouses on Los Alamos. With a dirt cheap price and a need for a more uniformed military the King agreed to buy 300 World War II-era uniforms to give to the Grand Armee. The first of these uniforms wouldn't arrive at the Empire until early 2122. However back on The Ridge, the dug in Chasseurs was now being accosted by a sea of rival militias and gangs from within the Capital. It started small with a few isolated snipers around noon, and then rapidly transformed into full on attacks from some of the Capital's most fearsome militias. Los Federales, Los Filibusteros, The Exiled, La Policia Remanente, etc., etc. The attacks became persistent and more and more determined as the soldiers atop the Ridge lobbed a shell a day into the Capital, essentially keeping Las Pistas closed to all cattle shipments coming from the Cattle Country. With all the starving militias attacking them all around one night, no one noticed a group of 15 men slip through their strained lines and make their way to the top of the hill where the 155mm sat along with the Imperial command staff. The 15 men from the Department of Parks and Wildlife were ordered by their commanders to kill the entire command staff of the Imperials located on the hill. They executed this order with extreme prejudice as they machine gunned the command tent, killing the staff officers and cannon crew that slept within. If General Jules Bonaparte hadn't been directing the battle below, he would likely have been slain along with the rest of his staff and left his men leaderless. Instead, the General rallied the tattered remnants of his command and fought their way through the opposing lines and back to the Empire. Leaving the Empire's prized 155mm atop the hill. Upon their return, King Alexandre was arrested by agents of the Ministry of Law and Order and was promptly put on trial for abandoning his post. The sentencing went through for General Bonaparte to be hung by the neck until dead. However at the last minute, King Alexandre repealed the sentence and instead decided to arrest a Colonel in the Ministry for not having acted with more finesse during the fighting.

The Grand Armee quickly fit themselves into their new uniforms, while the rest were placed into storage. Meanwhile in the interior, a new public works project helped to turn the rough dirt roads that crisscrossed the Empire into fine, brick roads. Using bricks made by the locals, these were then used to build the roads into something much more easy to move upon. The cattle industry was once again booming as agents from the various towns and villages again approached the Empire about buying their cattle. The cattle industry was once again booming, and the Third Empire once again flourished. However, the fiasco that was the battle of The Ridge was likely never to be repeated by the commanders within the Grand Armee as any new operations aimed at the Capital were banned, by order of the King.


2131 proved to be an end of an era as two great giants who had helped lead the country died. First was General Jules Bonaparte, who died quietly in his sleep at his family home. The other was King Alexandre, who died of an undiagnosed case of Liver Cancer. Taking his place was twenty years old Charles-Marquis Xavier, prior to taking the throne Charles had been busy at the helm of the Imperial Guard. Upon taking the throne, his first move as king was to abolish the Ministry of Law and Order. The shadowy Ministry he claimed had been laying the seeds for a revolution against the King and his family. Whether this was true or not, no one will ever be able to truly to tell but judging from the Ministry's actions in the past, such a move doesn't seem all that far fetched. Following the collapse of the Ministry the King promptly enacted a series of edicts aimed at targeting the former field agents of the Ministry who had done wrong to the Grand Armee and to the people of the Empire. He declared that these men (all of whom had been arrested) had acted in such a way that they compromised the very control the government had over the Empire and after a series of trials, mostly held by kangaroo courts the agents were hung and thus ended the problems of the Empire for a time. As much as Charles hated the Ministry of Law and Order, as a despot, he now saw the uses of such an organization and thus created the Ministry's spiritual successor the Bureau of Internal Affairs, in charge of fighting crime on a local level and keeping an eye on troublesome folks throughout the Empire. Following that restructuring the King began to as his cousin and grandfather had before him began to subvert the ability of the various cattle barons of the Cattle Country to move their beeves into the Capital. This was done through the newly created United Cattlemen's Association. This government run association was created as a way to help drive business away from the Cattle Barons and more on to the Empire through the clever use of economics. The first thing the UCA did was drop the price of their beeves and Brahmin down to the crazy low price of 12 caps a head. This insane drop in price (the price usually hovered around 80 caps a head) caused several Cattle Barons to suffer fatal heart attacks and the rest quickly began to drop their prices to match the insane price drop. But the people of the Capital knew their choice and began to buy beeves from the Empire by the herd. The sale of beeves became so profitable for the Empire and so vigorous that the government had to step in and set a limit to the amount of beeves that could be sold in one night to any one group, lest the Empire's entire stock be sold.

However if the Barons couldn't drop their prices down to an agreeable price, they could sure make life miserable on the Empire and thus several powerful grain planters living throughout the Cattle Country began to increase their prices for corn, beans, and wheat all of which the Empire bought in droves from the various planters. However, unbeknownst to the planters the Empire had foreseen a situation like this occurring during the reign of King David and thus had begun to store up stocks of preserved grain and other essentials at the current total the reserves could feed the people of the Empire for six weeks. Thus the government gave the go-ahead and began to dip into the reserves, rationing them out to the populace. The idea being that they would sell their cattle at the reduced price for another five weeks and then raise them, allowing for the prices to raise and the grain supply to last just up until they would start having issues. When the five weeks had passed, and the UCA finally raised their prices back up to ordinary rates the government expected the planter to do the same, instead they raised their prices even higher and then promptly dropped their own cattle prices. This rapid change put a strain on the Empire's economy as buyers suddenly switched to buying their cattle from the Cattle Barons once more and left them high and dry. There were soon food shortages throughout the Empire and there appeared to be rumblings among the populace. After two weeks of strain the Cattle Barons sent over a representative who gave an ultimatum, cease the sale of their beeves altogether to the various factions and towns of the Distrito Capital or the planters would keep their prices at their current levels and the Empire would slip into chaos as food riots ripped her apart internally. The government and King Charles were so insulted and shocked by this threat that they ushered the representatives out of the room without a response given. The infuriated King Charles ordered that the Grand Armee prepare for war, as a detachment of soldiers were sent to cut the railroad tracks that connected the Cattle Country and the Capital. The soldiers blew the ties with charges and watched as the daily train, loaded with beeves and headed for Las Pistas derailed and caused a massive wreck. The Grand Armee quickly moved to the border of Cattle Country. Once there the 140 men strong force deployed the 20 man force from the Imperial Guard that had been brought along to cause havoc in the Country. The Imperial Guardsmen in a fury of chaos, burned down ranches, set crops alight, ambushed cattle shipments and fought the various militias of the Cattle Barons and Planters alike. In total the small reign of terror cost the Empire three men killed and six wounded with the various forces of the Cattle Barons losing more than 75 men. The Barons and Planters now cowed by the pure brute force of the Empire agreed to lower their grain prices and bring their beeve prices back to normal levels.

This confrontation between the forces of the Country and the Empire would be the first but certainly wouldn't be the last. In the background things were also changing a young man by the name of Christiane-Damien Davout was quickly becoming a rising star in the Grand Armee and in the government itself. One of the many illegitimate sons of the vast Xavier-Bonaparte Family, General Davout had been raised by his Mexican mother and joined the Grand Armee when he was 17. Now rising through the ranks, the Xaviers had quickly taken notice of the young general and had hi delegated to a more "civilian" role, instead of getting command of his own infantry company he was delegated to the task of being the Magistrate-General of the small town of St. David in the outer regions of the Empire. However, even in this dead end job, Christiane managed to be a roaring success, supporting Anti-rustling operations with abandon and a ferocity that quickly had all criminal activity in his area of responsibility to an all time low (crime rate for St. David was .5%). Christiane seemed to do everything correct, from leading the men assigned to his town, to managing resources and public construction works. However despite his success in his current field, Christiane still yearned for more power and spurned onwards by his deep-seeded hatred for his family that refused to acknowledge his right to bear their family name, he began to plan ahead. He soon had made friends out of the surrounding town officials from his own Commissioner and cattle Foremen but also those of the surrounding towns and villages along with their own Magistrates. General Christiane was soon a very powerful man and the Xaviers and Bonapartes hardly had a clue about his true intentions. The final move of King Charles in this era was the claiming of three new towns for the Empire, expanding their control significantly. However, the next place on the Empire's scope was the fertile crescent of Tamaulipas, the area surrounding Lake Don Julio and under the protection of the Lake Don Julio Sheriff's Department.

Unlike most bodies of water after the Great War, Lake Don Julio was infected with only a small amount of radioactive isotopes, making the water somewhat safe to drink. As times went on the radioactivity dissipated from the lake, and soon the water was basically back to the pre-war quality. This body of safe, fresh water, quickly attracted the attention of many survivors of the Great War, who flocked to the Lake's shores to set up small settlements and towns that thrived off of crops grown along the lake's edge. These settlements flourished for a time but after repeated attacks from Comancheros the people unified as one and created the Lake Don Julio Sheriff's Department, in charge of protecting the towns and farms around the lake from the predatory raiders and gangs that roamed beyond in the vast wastes. It was this plentiful region that King Charles hoped to capture for his own people. The economic war fought between the Cattle Barons, and the Empire had proven to King Charles that there was a need for the Empire to have its own source of food outside the cattle they raised and that which they traded and bought. Thus the region surrounding the lake and the associated communities seemed like an excellent spot for just that kind of expansion. King Charles green-light an offensive to take the western half of the lake's shore and to incorporate it into the Empire. A force of 100 Chasseurs were deployed and soon were on the march towards the Lake. Meanwhile, outlying posts of the Lake Don Julio Sheriff's Department got wind of the Empire's plans and quickly sprung into action. Tyler Haymans of the Council of Incorporated Communities quickly sprung into action as he pulled together whatever kind of money that he could and pushed it towards the hiring of 50 mercenaries from Executive Solutions Mercenary Company where they were promptly put under the command of the Sheriff's Department and used to reinforce the scant 52 deputies currently in service of the Department. Together the deputies and mercenaries ambushed the Chasseurs coming along Highway 101. There the Chasseurs met by a wall of lead and fire lost 20 of their men before falling back to safer positions where using their superior firepower began to lay down fire on the Sheriffs and their Mercenary allies. Thus ended the first act of and the start of the Lake Don Julio Brush War.

2155-2160: The Lake Don Julio Brush War[]

The ambush of the Imperial column was a bad way to start off the war. Thus a quick regrouping took place and soon the Imperial troops were in hot pursuit of the fleeing deputies and their mercenary allies, spread out along a long and thin line they quickly came under attack from isolated snipers and squads of men told to hold off the Imperial troops as long as they could. However, all these attempts only managed to slow the advance of the Imperial troops for about a half hour. Still, this time, gave the Sheriff's Department and mercenaries ample time to form yet another ambush, and when a platoon of Chasseurs walked into it, they sprung it. The surprise was total, and the Chasseurs were quickly pinned down. However, their comrades reacted quickly, sending a force around the rear of the deputies they managed to encircle them. As the Chasseurs closed in on the now trapped deputies and mercenaries, the Chasseurs suddenly came under attack from a relief force. The two sides fought it out over the period of five hours, when the dust and smoke cleared the Imperials were the clear victors. However the price they had paid had been great, their total manpower had been dropped down to about 30 combat effective. Yet their enemies losses now were far greater, the Sheriff's department had been skinned of their best men and their mercenary allies all but up and abandoned them, heading back to their headquarters in Zap-City.

The Chasseurs pushed forward though and quickly found themselves on the shores of Lake Don Julio where they claimed the entire lake and the communities that surrounded it for the Empire. They abolished the Council of Incorporated Communities and placed Chief Councilman Tyler Haymans under arrest. However, the Brush war was far from over. The angered populace quickly rose up, with towns and individual homesteads refusing to sign their allegiance over to the Empire. The Imperials took this sort of insubordination with a pinch of salt and sent a squad of 5 men over to the rebellious side to help tame the populace. Instead of cowing the angered farmers they were hung by an angry mob, after killing several townsfolk in the frenzy. Following this there began an insurgency as the remnants of the Sheriff's Department along with the help of the local farmers began to fight Imperial rule. More troops deployed to the region and with support from the elite Imperial Guard began to fight back. However, the guerillas managed to always get the upper hand and soon the Imperials began to clearly lose the conflict. As the body count stacked up, the Imperials soon began to realize that to continue to fight this fruitless war would bankrupt them and destroy their economy. Thus in 2160, five years after the war began Imperial troops left the Lake Don Julio once again in defeat.

Back home this defeat proved to be a massive headache for King Charles as he once again sought to rebuild the Empire's economy and bring some semblance of restoration back to their once again shattered army. In the background, General Christiane used their defeat and the resentment it caused as more of a reason to show the government's incompetence and why a government run by the military, not by bloated aristocrats would not allow such fruitless wars to be fought and have their economy trampled again and again. This growing resentment towards the King spread even to the government itself where officials within the Bureau of Internal Affairs even began to question the King's competence. These murmurs soon began to spread into an open protest of the King's rule and then into a violent uprising. As towns and villages across the Empire rose up crying for the King's head. Even the Grand Armee wasn't on the King's side as many soldiers joined the revolt, killing their loyalist brethren. Whoever was still loyal to the King quickly rallied around his estate at the capital, Ville Imperiale where they tried to calm the populace down from their rage induced revolt. But nothing could stop the revolutionaries as General Christiane kicked in the front door of the Imperial Estate and led the fight through its halls and rooms. Once within the King's quarters he personally put King Charles in handcuffs and brought him outside. There the raving crowd called for his death, at which point a man appeared carrying an axe. Bringing it up over his head he began to hack away at the King's neck, his screams of pain goading the crowd onwards until the severed head fell to the ground below. The King was dead, and General Christiane now held the throne of the Empire.


The rule of General Christiane started in 2160 the day after the beheading of King Charles. Christiane-Damien Davout declared himself Consul for life and promptly took the throne. The first action he took was punishing the Xavier family, angered by his treatment by them he had a majority of the family killed by the Bureau of Internal Affairs. However, he left the Bonapartes for the most part alone as he warned them that if they played ball and supported his rule, they could maintain their positions as the Empire's elite aristocratic family. Following the killing of the Xavier bloodline, Consul Davout began to reform the Grand Armee around himself. Removing any sort of semblance of the old ways he allowed the army to become less of a national force and more of a private army to be used to put down insurrection wherever it was deemed necessary. As for the Bureau of Internal Affairs they became Christiane's personal police force killing hundreds of people throughout the Empire, who had shown even the slightest revolutionary ideals or tendencies. The representatives became a massive organization with its agents spread about the Empire, monitoring the populace with a system of assigning one or two agents per town.

His first official act as Consul of the Third Empire was to help strengthen the economy of the Empire and to this end, he succeeded. Allowing ranchers and farmers to produce and sell their crops unhindered by government intervention Consul Davout quickly turned the economy of the Empire into a Tiger Economy, transforming it from the sluggish and unstable mess it had been in the past. Several new caravan companies sprung up as private citizens who had the means to were finally able to create a private business. Ranching became more privatized and less watched over by the government (albeit there was some regulation) and the United Cattlemen's Association took a huge hit as the whole organization was gutted and its remnants were privatized. With this economic growth the Empire began to develop closer relations with several other powers in the region, the Royal Caribbean Trading Company was welcomed into the Empire with open arms as new business opportunities were welcomed. The relations between the Royal Protectorate of Tampico and the Empire quickly became warm with trade becoming a commonplace between the two factions. The next to arrive into the Empire were the Texican Trading Company, these hardy merchants from up north were again welcomed into the Empire with open arms and quickly caravans from the TTC began to make annual runs down to the Empire. Another group from the wasteland they encountered was the Fighting 33rd. The 33rd and the Empire tend to steer clear of one another due to conflicting political and social views, but they have on occasion helped one another out. As all these new factions came in contact with the Empire, Consul Davout began to proclaim that they would seize control of the Distrito Capital by the time 2165 came to be, and that was a promise he intended to keep.

However, the manner he intended to go about seizing control of the Capital wasn't through the usual means that his predecessors had gone about it. Rather than throw the poorly trained Grand Armee at the various factions within the District, he would have the far better trained and sometimes better-equipped mercenaries of the district do it for him. Meeting with representatives from both Executive Solutions Inc. and a few of the Liberty Battalions that worked the wastes. In total Christiane hired a total of 120 mercenaries all of whom he gave the order to wipe out the various factions within the Capital. Meanwhile, while the mercenaries fought their way through the district, Christiane sent the Imperial Guard after the capital's lifeline, the rail line that the Bureau moves cattle into the Capital. The issue being was the Bureau of Range Security and Regulation watched the railroad like a hawk, constant patrols and dozens of outposts scattered along the rail line made the idea of sabotaging the rails very difficult. Thus it was decided that only a small team of guardsmen would be sent to hit the rail lines. The next night, as the evening patrols moved along the rail lines, a whole section went up in a fiery explosion. As the Bureau worked furiously to repair the damaged ties, the Capital's food supply quickly began to run out as what remained was fought over, for the mercenaries working within the Capital the work became easier as their starving opponents became more and more defensive.

However, the sheer amount of cash that the government had to dish out to fund this operation began to weigh in on the country, however, the government and Christiane himself ignored the consequences and pressed forward, spending hundreds on the war effort. However when his financial minister walked into his office to announce that the Kingdom was bankrupt, Christiane hadn't the faintest idea of what to do. For so long he had been more focused on conquering the district, righting the wrongs of the ineffective aristocracy that ruled the nation prior to him that he hadn't taken the time to think about the supply of money that he used to fund all of his extravagant campaigns. Faced with a national economic collapse Consul Davout promptly raised taxes within the Empire, this act only proved to be his downfall. Despite the success of his country during the initial time of his rule, the economy was now sagging, and the populace was getting restless as taxes soared, and the price of food went up. They began to question why they bothered trusting General Christiane at all. Urged on by the Bonapartes and Xaviers the populace of the Empire rose in the revolution, joined by members of the supposed "loyal" Grand Armee General Christiane and his cabinet were hauled out of their palace and hung by the ravenous crowd, just as they had done to King Charles fourteen years before. The man to take General Christiane's position was a young member of the Xavier family, Crown Prince Jacques-Baptiste Xavier.


This time period is known as the era of chaos. As Crown Prince Xavier took the throne, he immediately set about reconquering the Empire, now locked in internal turmoil the Prince had few resources to work with. Rather than try and make the unreliable Grand Armee attempt to put down the rebellions he ordered the Imperial Guard to begin peace keeping operations and for several years the Imperial Guard remained the only military force under the command of the Imperial Government. However, it became clear by 2177 that the Imperial Guard simply wasn't enough to stop the rebellions that by now had infected every town and village within the Empire and thus called for more drastic measures. Prince Xavier at this point made a very dangerous choice, he took a loan out from the Papacy in order to hire some mercenaries from Executive Solutions from up north. These ruthless mercenaries quickly proved to be an essential factor in Prince Xavier's war to regain control over the Empire.

However his use of mercenaries had angered several members of his family and his own government, the Bureau of Internal Affairs which had been on his side since the start of the fighting now began to doubt their leader's competence. This doubt spread like wildfire through the ranks of the government, until all if not most of the Imperial Government agreed that the Prince had to go, but in a quiet manner as to maintain discipline within the reconquered towns. Thus on April 22nd, 2210, 45 years after the start of the era of chaos a group of Bureau agents, officers and members of his own family walked into his room. There they ordered that he hand over control of the nation to the Bureau of Internal Affairs. After some protesting and arguing Prince Xavier, realizing that he had his back to the wall reluctantly agreed to hand over control of the Empire to the Bureau. After he had signed his resignation letter he was promptly escorted from his quarters and all the way to the fringes of the Empire where he and his Grandfather (the only member of his family to stand by him) along with a platoon of soldiers who declared they were loyal to the Prince were banished from the Empire.


The rule of the Bureau was one of a continuous stream of draconian and violent crackdowns on the populace. The Bureau would often use the mercenaries hired by Prince Xavier (they never disbanded them) as a personal police force of the council that oversaw the Empire's affairs. On more than one occasion they simply ordered the mercs to fire on the civilians who wouldn't cooperate with the governments edicts. Thus the government became rather unpopular. Speaking of the government, the Empire was no longer run by one individual but rather a council of men drawn from the various aspect of the Empire's government. Of the three councilmen, One ( Jean Bonaparte) was Minister of Interior, his counterpart (Pierre Beaumont) was Minister of Defense and External Expansion, with the council head and ultimate authority being held by Napoleon Bonaparte III, Minister of National Affairs. Combat and warfare continued under their twisted regime and the body count began to stack up as the rebellious members of society were rounded up by agents of the Bureau and promptly hung en masse in front of gathered crowds to demonstrate what happens to those who disobey the government. But people of the Empire were starting to grow weary of the constant fighting, wars, and rebellions that continued to wrack the empire.

Many people began to question why they bothered to stay loyal to a government that seemed bent upon the killing and massacring of its own people, and no matter who took power the new leadership always seemed to fall back into the same ways as his predecessor. However, one man rose from the mounting discontent on top, a man by the name of Napoleon Bonaparte IV. Napoleon, named after his father was a tall man and yet just as charismatic as his namesake. Thus he gathered the people of the Empire around him, promising as their leader he would lead them to prosperity not just on the battlefield but at home too. Food would be plentiful and taxes low. Thus he quickly garnered the support of many people he spoke to and quickly had an army of tired revolutionaries. They marched on each town, held by government forces and promptly defeated whatever forces stood up to him and his revolutionaries, with many of the soldiers that occupied the government towns actually coming over to his side. This campaign of reconquering the Empire continued until they had reached the gates of Ville Imperiale. There they prepared to lay siege. Meanwhile within the massive Ville's gates the council members nervously looked for a way to escape the hole they had dug themselves into. However, they could see no other escape other than to somehow slip through the lines when during the fighting. However to their surprise, the Imperial Guard deserted them, many of them heading north to escape the wrath of the rebels.

Stuck with just their mercenaries they fought a violent three-day battle with the revolutionary army. When it ended the rebels were the clear victor with the councilmen all being executed and the remaining mercenaries sent packing back north. The reign of the Bureau of Internal Affairs had ended, and the reign of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte IV had begun.


The reign of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte IV started on thin ice as he scrambled to correct the economic issues of the Empire, he raised cattle prices, made cuts to all sorts of government spending, from defense to domestic. He even chopped the one eternal staple of the imperial government; the Bureau of Internal Affairs, more out of suspicion of the organization than actual fiscal issues, the Bureau was chopped up and finally shut down by order of the Emperor in 2237. However by this point, the Empire's economy had made a massive turn around as cattle sales increased nearly ten-fold, as the fighting in Las Pistas started to heat up and make it unsafe for any train to enter the area. Alongside their increased cattle sales the people of the Empire had surprisingly gone along with an increase in taxes, this particular part was a shock to the government and even the Emperor himself who had alerted the Imperial Guard to be prepared to put down rioting should the need arise. Yet this acceptance of new taxes was truly a testament to the people's determination to keep their country stable and to the charisma of Emperor Bonaparte himself. With all the new money coming into the Empire, the government finally had the cash to make actual changes to the nation, for starters the military was given an overhaul, for the past hundred or so years the Grand Armee had existed as a pure conscript force with hardly any training and yet were expected to perform well in combat. With the advice of his generals and command staff he implemented a eight-week training program to give draftees at least a little bit of training before they are tossed into the meat grinder, during these eight weeks the draftees are put through physical training, leadership and basic maneuver warfare school and of course several days of weapons training to help familiarize themselves with the weapon they would be using. During this training those recruits who show exceptional skill in leadership or marksmanship are taken aside and placed into either officer training or sent to join the Imperial Guard. Meanwhile, outside of creating an actual training program for draftees, there started the creation of a reserve for the military to delve into during times of war. These reservists were trained alongside the actual recruits and then are promptly sent home, the idea being that these men when losses begin to stack up on the front would replace those lost after going through a two-week refresher training course. In addition to acting as a pool of trained manpower, reservists could be expected to act as policemen in the streets to help enforce law and order during times of internal upheaval and to serve tours against the various raider bands that harassed the frontier.

In the first test of the newly reformed military's mettle the Emperor called upon his generals to renew their efforts in the Capital, they began this process by moving to retake the Empire's old bastion, The Ridge. With these orders, the generals planned a coordinated offensive on the Ridge with the Grand Armee leading the way, backed up by the Imperial Guard. The Armee jumped at the occasion to show their worth and when the offensive began they set to their task vigorously. The current defenders of the Ridge were one of the numerous Liberty Battalions, one known as Mobile Group 100 had taken the hill as part of their own efforts to seize control of the District. However, the lightly armed, and fast moving battalion hardly saw what was coming when the Grand Armee hit them from the flank. The Mobile Group was lightly armed and meant for fast attacks against targets, thus holding a position like the Ridge was a very poor decision on their commander's part. Thus during the fighting, the Mobile Battalion found holding the hill nearly impossible and thus was forced to fall back down the opposite slope and off the hill. Thus the Ridge, which so many factions had fought and died over, was now once again back in the hands of its original owners. Now rather than using the hill as a position to bombard the city (the old 155 was in a sorry condition) they instead fortified it and promptly began to build up a troop concentration and from there launch attacks on the various factions of the District. From back home the nation reveled in the glory of its first military success in years. Meanwhile, on orders from Emperor Bonaparte, a special organization, the Mineral Exploitation Agency was created with the expressed purpose of finding valuable minerals within (or without) the Empire and begin to develop means to use them in the nation's industry and their value in the commerce. One of the final major acts ever to come from his regime was the passing of the Homestead and Colonialization Act. This royal edict commanded for the construction of several colonies located inside the Cattle Country.


Emperor Bonaparte IV died on natural causes on December 16, 2255. At that point his son, Napoleon Bonaparte V took over for his father. Continuing the war in the Capital District, the Empire has once again become a major player in the capital. It has even managed to gain control of a few neighborhoods from their vantage point on the Ridge. Also throughout his reign, Emperor Napoleon has had to maintain the peaceful relations between the Empire and the various forces of the Cattle Country, with only a certain degree of success. However, his father's colony program continues to allow the Empire to flourish. Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte V remains the Third Mexican Empire's leader to this day.


Grand Armee[]

The Grand Armee isn't nearly as grand as their title may imply. In reality, the so-called Grand Armee is entirely made up of draftees and conscripts. Thus the King will usually call a draft when a combat force is needed to help put down a revolt, take care of a pesky gang of raiders or cattle rustlers and of course make inroads in the Capital itself. For the most part, the Grand Armee is armed decently, with a mix of military grade assault rifles (in various conditions) to weapons as plebeian and basic as Hunting Rifles and Caravan Shotguns. However, despite their disparity in armaments when they are called upon to do so they are a very reliable bunch in combat and have proven themselves to decent soldiers time and again. For the most part, however, the draftees of the Grand Armee are armed with normal firearms, if the rare occasion should arise where energy weapons are recovered on the field these are quickly confiscated by officers to be taken back and repaired for use with the Imperial Guard.

In the case of heavy weapons, there are few machine guns throughout the Grand Armee's, and those they have gotten their hands on are reserved for use in defense of Ville Imperiale. However when King Alexandre bought the 155mm Artillery piece from Los Alamos Military Supply, a special team was taken aside and trained in the loading, firing and maintaining of the 155. However, this team was later killed and the 155 abandoned during the fighting on The Ridge.

Imperial Guard[]

The Imperial Guard, unlike their Grand Armee brethren, are an elite group of 50 soldiers hand picked from the Grand Armee's ranks for their skill in combat and veterancy. These men (and sometimes women) are combat veterans of at least six different battles or skirmishes and have to have displayed a certain degree of aptitude in the art of combat. They are then taken from the ranks of the Grand Armee and put through a rigorous five-week training program that tests their physical abilities and their mental stability as they are dogged day and night during training, after which they are inducted into the Guard. In terms of equipment, these men and women get the best weapons the Empire has to offer, from energy weapons to refurbished assault rifles, they also have access to heavy machine guns to be used in the defense of Ville Imperiale.

While they do act as the personal guards for the King, Consul, Emperor their main purpose is as a special forces unit, meant to flank around enemy positions and raid behind enemy lines, Etc.


Ministry of Law and Order[]

The Ministry of Law and Order was created by King Alexandre in 2118. The Ministry itself has an innocent enough name and facade, seeming to be nothing more than a federal law enforcement agency. However, the Ministry had a much more sinister purpose than just cleaning the streets of criminals. The Ministry was created to be King Alexadre's personal police force, used to discreetly take out or arrest anyone that the King deemed as a threat to his reign. The Ministry went about this job aggressively as they blended agents into the populace of towns and even had field officers stationed with the Grand Armee to keep an eye out for sedition within the military. Those that were deemed to be troublesome were dealt with severely, either killed discreetly in some back alleyway or kidnapped in their sleep and dragged back to the Ministry's headquarters outside of Ville Imperiale where they were tortured and killed in the most inhumane way possible. It has never truly known how many people disappeared into the Ministry's unassuming headquarters, but the number could well be into the hundreds. However with the death of King Alexandre, the Ministry was abolished by King Charles on grounds of treason and conspiracy to overthrow the King, many of its field officers were tried and executed while a precious few were folded into the new Bureau of Internal Affairs that continued to exist well past the reign of King Charles.

Bureau of Internal Affairs[]

The Bureau was the direct replacement of the Ministry of Law and Order and spiritual successor to that shadow organization. The Bureau mostly handles the affairs of what goes on within the Empire, as in crushing sedition and taking out anyone that poses a threat to the current regime. However after the banishment of Crown Prince Xavier, the Bureau promptly became THE government of the Empire. It ruthlessly hunted down anyone it deemed a threat and even went as far as to hold mass executions to prove their determination. However when the revolutionary army under Napoleon Bonaparte IV marched into Ville Imperiale and promptly deposed the Bureau and its despotic council the Bureau promptly collapsed with it, never to be revived.

United Cattlemen's Association[]

The UCA is essentially a government created and government run cattlemen's association, with the sole purpose of putting enough pressure on the barons from the Cattle Country that they are forced to either yield to the wishes of the Empire or cease business in the Distrito Capital as a whole. However to these ends, the UCA has had little if any success, they have for the most part remained a backwater organization with little if any influence in the day to day affairs of the Cattle Country. With the reign of Consul Davout, the UCA has been privatized and has become more of an actual cattlemen's association.

Mineral Exploitation Agency[]

A government agency entirely devoted to the discovery, development and production of mineral deposits scattered across the Mexican wasteland. They have yet to have too much luck beyond finding some Bog Ore deposits, but they remain hopeful.


The economy of the Third Empire relies completely upon the thriving ranching industry that dominated the area even before the rise of Les Imperiaux. However when an economy relies entirely upon one industry there are bound to be some problems and since the Empire mostly deals in Longhorns that means they come into conflict with the powerful cattlemen of the Cattle Country. Many attempts by the Empire have been made to try and influence the trade of cattle from the country into La Ciudad Victoria, but the effects of this have been negligible due to the efforts of the Bureau of Range Security and Regulation who run trains full of beeves down to Las Pistas. In an effort to gain more control in the country the Empire authorized the creation of a settlement of farmers within the country to grow crops for the growing Imperiaux population, however this new colony almost caused a war when a local land baron attempted to seize the town by force and were soundly defeated by the Grand Armee. Politically the Imperiaux has setup a government run cattlemen's association, known as the United Cattlemen's Association it has little influence in the Cattle Country but still manages to give the Imperiaux government plenty pains to del with.


Control of the Third Empire has switched so many times its hard to keep track of all the Kings, Consuls, and other despots that have taken the throne over the years. For many years the throne stayed among the Bonaparte-Xavier family that is until Magistrate-General Chrisitiane-Damien Davout seized control upon the death of King Charles. Naming himself Consul for life he held the thrown as a "Consul" for fourteen years until a successful Coup placed the Bonaparte family back into power. However after the Crown Prince Jacques-Baptiste Xavier's banishment, the control of the nation was held under the nominal control of the Bureau of Internal Affairs, a ruthless agency that exercised complete control over the small kingdom. However another coup placed Napoleon Bonaparte IV in control of the nation, only succeeded by his son Napoleon Bonaparte V, the current King.


  • Texican Caravan Company: Officially the Texican Caravan Company and the Empire have a very warm relationship, the Texican Caravan company makes Ville Imperiale and its various other towns one of the many locations they stop on during their route through the wastes.
  • La Legion de la Gente: The people's Legion don't tend to look favorably upon the Imperials, mostly because they view the Imperials as just another gaggle of Imperialist, Capitalist swine. Thus on the few rare occasions that the Legion and the Empire have come in contact its usually been rather hostile.
  • Royal Protectorate of Tampico: The Protectorate has for a long time been a friend of the Empire, both are interested in spreading their control over vast tracts of land, and both want to see the Papal States kept in line.
  • The Papal States: They're both Catholic, what do you think?
  • Royal Caribbean Trading Company: The British trading company doesn't have many business holdings in Northern Tamaulipas and the market at that is pretty hard to get into. However these guys did it, and their regional headquarters is located in Ville Imperiale. They now are a major contender to any merchant company currently working the Tamaulipas beat.



If the people want to know how they are represented through their government you can tell them they are represented through me! If they want to know where their voice is, they can rest with the idea that their voice is heard through me! What these damned peasants don't understand is that they aren't the state. I am the State!— Consul Davout
King, is such an archaic term... I prefer the label Emperor, suits my job much more— Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte IV
Long live the kingdom!— King Charles' last words.


If they are truly believers, they would open their doors to the people and the Pope.— Cardinal Hector Minguez of The Papal States
The world destroyed and yet the French still rule our lands. When they are struck down, it will not be for their offenses against God, But against the people of Mexico!— a young Miguel Inge
They rule with a might clearly given by God.— Pope Leo V "The Black"
Ahh, to think that if we had waited, we could have become kings instead of vassals, ahh...— Jorge expressing the mutual regret of his Comancheros at joining a Duque's military after hearing about an Imperial Coup
Wonder if they brought back the Guillotine?Eric Haganey after first hearing about the Imperials
This has been written by CaptainCain. Please contact this user before editing this article.